Dark Elves The Dark Elves are a notorious race of slavers who ply the seas in their sinister Black Arks raiding the coastal settlements of faraway lands of the Known World. They drag entire races back to their fell land of Naggaroth in chains to either work to death in the mines or be slaughtered to their dark gods in ritual sacrifice. Dark Elves are one of the cruellest and most evil races in the world and they delight in acts of unspeakable brutality although they reserve most of their bitter hatred for their kin the noble High Elves. A well-led Dark Elf army is a frightening opponent. Dark Elf Spearmen and Crossbowmen backed by the dreaded Reaper Bolt Throwers is a fearsome defensive combination. On the offensive, frenzied Witch Elves are more than a match for enemy infantry whilst the charge of the elite Cold One Knights can shatter even the strongest enemy battlelines.