Legion - Rogue One
"I'm not a terrorist. I'm a patriot. And resistance is not terrorism." ―Saw Gerrera
Saw Gerrera was a human male Onderonian resistance fighter who, as a leading member of the Onderon rebels, fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Onderon during the Clone Wars. He and his sister, Steela Gerrera, were instrumental in the rebel liberation of their homeworld during the Onderonian Civil War. He later became a key member in the fight against the Galactic Empire and the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. His tactics against the Empire led him to be seen as an extremist, one whose notoriety was recognized by the Empire and, many years later, the New Republic. - from SW Wikia
Not only is Saw Gerrera one of my favourite R1 characters, the Shapeways mini by Skull Forge is just breathtaking good. A true masterpiece that shows what can be accomplished today. Below is a group shot with other R1 chars.
Anotehr great and characterful Skullforge sculpt - Weeteef Cyu-Bee - a male Talpini who served as one of the most destructive members of Saw Gerrera's Partisans on Jedha. The diminutive Talpini could hide easily among the taller beings that congregated in the Holy city. A sniper, Cyu-Bee specialized in explosives, and built the sticky bombs used against the Imperial patrols of AT-ST walkers and TX-225 assault tanks.
I was amazed to see some excellent Rogue One heroes on Shapeways. Being a big Rogue One fan (IMO the best of the sequel movies) I was very curious and ordered some. The minis fit perfectly to Legion minis from FFG! From left to right Jeron Andor Cassian, Jyn Erso and K-2SO.
Jyn Erso, known by the aliases Kestrel Dawn, Jyn Dawn, Liana Hallik, Tanith Ponta, Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee, was a human female soldier and former criminal who became a pivotal member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic when she led Rogue One in stealing the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif. She was the daughter of Lyra Erso, a devout member of the Church of the Force, and scientist Galen Erso, who was forced into helping the Galactic Empire build the Death Star. Erso's mother was killed when Director Orson Krennic, the commander of the Death Star project, kidnapped her father—who affectionately referred to his daughter as "Stardust." She was raised by resistance fighter Saw Gerrera and became a child soldier in his army.
Cassian Jeron Andor, also known by the aliases Willix, Aach, Joreth Sward, and the title Fulcrum, was a human male soldier, pilot and Intelligence officer who served in the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and then the Alliance to Restore the Republic during Operation Fracture and the Galactic Civil War. Andor joined a Rebel mission to steal the plans of the Death Star, a superweapon built by the Galactic Empire. Although the mission was a success, Andor perished along with the rest of Rogue One.
"Jyn, I'll be there for you. Cassian said I had to." ― K-2SO to Jyn Erso K-2SO (Kay-Too-Ess-Oh), abbreviated K-2 (Kay-Tu or Kaytoo) or Kay, was a KX-series security droid originally created for use in the Galactic Empire's armed forces. At some point, the droid encountered Captain Cassian Andor, a member of the resistance movement—known as the Rebel Alliance—that sought to overthrow the Empire and restore democracy to the galaxy. Andor was able to reprogram K-2SO to serve the Alliance on the planet Wecacoe. In 0 BBY, K-2SO participated in the Battle of Scarif, where he sacrificed himself so that Andor and Jyn Erso could steal the plans to the Empire's moon-sized battle station, the Death Star.
"They destroyed our home. I will kill them." - Baze Malbus Baze Malbus was a human male born on the desert moon of Jedha fifty-three years before the Battle of Yavin. Once a devoted member of the Guardians of the Whills, Malbus became a freelance assassin during the age of the Galactic Empire. Nevertheless, he maintained a deep friendship with Chirrut Îmwe, who also served with the Guardians. Following the destruction of Jedha City, Malbus and Îmwe became part of the Rebel group known as Rogue One. After Îmwe's death in an explosion during the Battle of Scarif, Malbus rushed the Imperial death troopers with his MWC-35c "Staccato Lightning" repeating cannon and was killed by a C-25 fragmentation grenade.
"I'm one with the Force; the Force is with me." ― Chirrut Îmwe Chirrut Îmwe was a blind human born on the moon Jedha in 52 BBY. He used a uneti-wood staff and handmade lightbow. One of the Guardians of the Whills, an order of spiritual warrior-monks, he was active during the days of the Galactic Empire and worked as an itinerant preacher in Jedha City. Alongside his close friend, partner, and protector, Baze Malbus, he went to Eadu with Cassian Andor, Baze Malbus, K-2SO, Jyn Erso, and other members. Îmwe became part of a volunteer group of Rebels tasked with stealing the plans of the first Death Star. Îmwe died during the Battle of Scarif in 0 BBY after assisting Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor in breaking into the Imperial archives.
Death Trooper
Death Trooper squad.
Coastal defender stormtroopers, more commonly known as shoretroopers, were a specialized variant of the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers trained and equipped for combat in tropical environments. Stationed at the top secret Imperial security complex on the tropical planet Scarif, shoretroopers patrolled the beaches and bunkers of the facility.
Shoretroopers operated effectively as sergeants which allowed them to command small squads of regular stormtroopers. One of the notable aspects of coastal defender stormtroopers was that the position they serve in was rotational (temporary); subject to rank (skills and qualification) and operational demands (open positions due to mobilization or transfers). On a galactic scale, shoretroopers as a whole were scarce, as the conditions for necessitating their employment were less frequent, as few stations or garrisons were located on coastal/tropical planets. Shoretroopers wielded both the E-11 blaster rifle and the upgraded E-22 blaster rifle while stationed on Scarif. They also carried a thermal imploder. from starwars.wikia
Tam Posla
Tam Posla was a Milvaynian human male from the planet Milvayne. Formally representing the Milvayne Authority, he became Milvayne's most celebrated lawman. At some point, he investigated a rash of crimes committed by Doctor Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba. Though taken off the case by his superior officer, Posla voyaged well beyond his jurisdiction and, determined to bring the criminals to justice, he became a bounty hunter. Posla was unable to catch the culprits on Jedha and took jobs to pay for his hunt for them.
Jedha citizen
“The Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance was a Force-based Lorrdian religious group that was active during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Most members of the Brotherhood were clad in heavy vermilion robes and cowls to represent a physical vow of silence, a counter to their natural physical expressiveness. Some followers carried staff-mounted censers filled with burning Qatameric incense that permeated through their heavy fabrics and masked their natural scent. In-keeping with the faith's concealment of individuality, some members went so far as to strip themselves of their own names, such as the High Priest, who was referred to by his followers only by a keening wail of a specific pitch. Some members, such as leaders of a congregation, wore Blue Gowns of the Sullen Moon and Lorrdian Cowls of Quiescence.
Members of the Brotherhood of Beatific Countenance often went on religious pilgrimages to worlds of spiritual significance, such as the Mid Rim desert moon of Jedha. They favored a hybrid variant of the meiloorun fruit that had purple rinds instead of the traditional orange-yellow ones.” - from starwars.fandom.com
I always liked the look of the brotherhood. Consequently I had to get some as soon as Skullforge released them!