Cavalier Mk II (Infantry Walker Mk VIII B) - In Service: 1940 – The biggest improvement of the Cavalier Mk II was the reinforced frontal armour and the turret mounted MG. Model by DP9
Cavalier Mk III (Infantry Walker Mk VIII C) - In Service: 1941 – The C variant of the Cavalier was a much needed improvement over the previous models. Refinements by Vickers from the Christie walker suspension followed a natural progression as industrial production was smoothed out and technical refinements came to fruition. It enabled the Cavalier Mk III to be air deployed. A light cannon based on a necked-down AA shell was mounted in the turret of the B variant. For close range attacks the C was armed with the better M40 explosive charges that were also seen on the Roundhead walker. A better radio set with more extensive range was also added. Model by DP9
Cavalier Mk III Crocodile: The rare 1942 Crocodile Flamethrower variant was mostly used in the Pacific theatre.
Roundhead Mk I (Infantry Walker Mk XII A) – In Service:1941 - Similar to the Cavalier design the hull was made of riveted steel panels and locally made computators and electrical systems were used. The Roundhead Mk I was armed with the 1.2 pdr. Gun of the Cavalier III and a MG. Model by DP9
Roundhead Mk II (Infantry Walker Mk XII B) – In Service:1941 - The Roundhead Mk II was virtually identical to the Mk I, the only change was the main armament. Instead of the 1.2 pdr. Gun an American made Flamethrower was mounted in the round turret. Model by DP9
A Cavalier leads the way...
Roundhead Mk I (Infantry Walker Mk XII A) and Cavalier Mk I (Infantry Walker Mk VIII A)
T-44 Nikolai Lenin - In Service: 1940 - The T-44 was a land battleship in its truest sense. The lessons learned from the T-28, T-35 or T-100 tanks were incorporated in the design of the Nikolai Lenin. Its wide tracks make it less vulnerable to staying stuck in soft ground. A powerful diesel engine drove each set of tracks through rugged transmission adapted industrial machinery. T-44 by DP9, crew by FoW
T-44-10 Nikolai Lenin - In Service: 1940 - The 47mm cannon of the Lenin was always viewed as a weakness, and the large turret always yearned for a larger weapon. The mammoth 122mm gun was a marvel of engineering, able to pulverize even German heavy tanks. Ammunition was always in short supply, however, and the tank still suffered from poor mobility.
April 1945: "Major Jim”; a M11A1 General Early Combat Walker is supporting the 3rd Amphibious Corps near Hagushi beach of western Okinawa - Combat walker by DP9; Priest by Battlefront; USMC Infantry by Skytrex
April 1945: "Yellow Fever"; a M12A2 General Longstreet Combat Walker is supporting the 3rd Amphibious Corps near Hagushi beach of western Okinawa - Combat walker by DP9; USMC Infantry by Skytrex
 US Infantry and General Early and Longstreet Walker (DP9s Gear Krieg range)
 M12A1 Longstreet Walker in vehcile mode (DP9s Gear Krieg range)
US Aerial Infantry Squad – Aerial Infantry Squads were made possible by the engineering genius of Sikorsky. The backpack-style M2 PPS made it possible for individual soldiers to nimbly move about. Only the best and the bravest strapped on these spinning blades and took the fight to the enemy. (DP9s Gear Krieg range)